Monday, February 17, 2014

Documentary Study and Archaeological Evaluation for Fort Ward Historical Park

December 3, 2010
Mr. Dave Cavanaugh
4008 Fort Worth Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia 22304-1713
RE: Documentary Study and Archaeological Evaluation for Fort Ward Historical Park

Dear Mr. Cavanaugh:

This is in response to the concerns expressed in your e-mail of November 5, 2010 regarding the
Fort Ward archaeological project. It is my understanding that you have received the Scope of
Work and deliverables negotiated for the project, which have been posted on the City’s website,
but that you are still awaiting a written justification for the changes from the Request for
Proposals (RFP) dated April 7, 2010. This letter will explain the process used by this office to
justify such changes.

I am sure that you recall that at the August 24, 2010 meeting of the Ad Hoc Fort Ward Park and
Museum Area Stakeholder Advisory Group (FWSAG) , it was indicated that I would postpone
action on signing a contract for archaeological services at Fort Ward until I had the opportunity
to publicly respond to the issues raised in your letter of the same date addressed to the FWSAG.
It was agreed that a response from the Office of Historic Alexandria (OHA) would be placed at
the top of the agenda at the next meeting of the FWSAG.

On September 9, 2010, Dr. Pamela Cressey, Director of Alexandria Archaeology, and I did
provide such a public response, lasting nearly two and three quarter hours, resulting in the
postponement of all other agenda items due to lateness of the hour. Unfortunately, you were
apparently unable to attend the September 9 meeting and therefore did not hear the response, nor
the carefully considered questions of the committee that we answered. At the conclusion of our
presentation a guest in attendance, Dr. Esther White, Director of Archaeology at Mount Vernon
Estate and Gardens, reinforced the appropriateness of the first phase of the archaeological project
planned by OHA at the Fort Ward site. At the conclusion of the meeting the FWSAG approved
that recommended that the OHA proceed with negotiations to pursue the contemplated contract
for archaeological field work at the Fort Ward site. All voted FWSAG members present voted in
favor except Adrienne Washington. Soon after we completed our negotiations and signed a
contract with The Ottery Group.

You have raised concerns regarding the discrepancy regarding the work phases discussed in the
RFP and the Scope of Work that was ultimately negotiated, and the initial $40,000 cost of the
work that may grow to $350,000. The RFP process used by the City of Alexandria anticipates a
maximum benefit to the City within the amount of funding that may be available, both currently
and in future phases of the project. In the case of Fort Ward, the documentary study and
archaeological evaluation anticipated phases of the project that would take place now and well
into the future, anticipating that as future funding became available, additional phases of the
project could be initiated. Therefore, the City solicits and receives RFP’s including anticipated
current and future phases of a project, and negotiations begin focused on what can be the
maximum amount of work achieved within the dollar amount available. The final result may or
may not line up exactly with the phases anticipated in the RFP, as the project components are
negotiated between the City and the Contractor to a mutually agreeable result. Ultimately, these
negotiations result in a final Scope of Work and a signed contract, and are made available to the
public after the contract is signed. Although an initial appropriation of funds may not cover all
phases of a project, the initiating department does its best to estimate the ultimate cost of a
project to guide City Council in anticipated future expenses that may be required to continue or
complete a project.

The necessity of archaeological field work at the Fort Ward site has been discussed extensively
over the past several years, particularly in identifying the exact location of subterranean cultural
resources, as well as known and unknown burials within the park. I do not share your view that
the first phase of the planned archaeological survey is a “waste of money” that should be
diverted to document the history and/or to develop an interpretive plan for the park. Rather, it is
the shared opinion for several reasons;

1. The City Council Docket Item # 9 of October 13, 2009 allocating $50,000 for an
archaeology survey at Fort Ward Park must be used for historical and archaeological
research only. Funds may not be utilized for interpretive planning purposes.

2. Confirming the existence of burial sites at key locations within Fort Ward Park for the
FWSAG is a priority for OHA before the end of 2010.

3. Identifying cultural resources and burials sites within the park must be completed
before a Master Plan for the park is developed and future park uses are recommended.

4. The location of cultural resources and burials sites within the park must be
determined to mitigate the impact of future park projects such as drainage or other
infrastructure improvements.

5. The confirmation of cultural resources, burials and/or artifacts within the park will
confirm, enhance, correct or negate the current documentary record of the Fort Ward
property, and influence future planning decisions for the park.

6. An interpretive plan for the park should be developed as a component of the Master
Plan anticipated for Fort Ward Park and not be segmented as an unrelated element of
a park plan.

7. Completing the historical record and inventory is an ongoing process which is
satisfactorily addressed in the first phase of the archaeological project, and is a
continuing priority of the Office of Historic Alexandria and Fort Ward History Work

8. The archaeological investigation planned for specific areas in Phase I has been
carefully developed based on existing visual, verbal or documentary evidence, and/or
is confirmed by an experimental Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey executed
in 2009.

9. Development of the procedures used for future phases of the Fort Ward
archaeological project will be based on the confirmed success in Phase I of the
archaeological evaluation, of the experimental GPR technology used previously at the

10. The archaeological evaluation planned for Fort Ward Park adheres to the Secretary of
the Interior’s Standards for Archaeological Documentation.

11. The historic research and documentation planned for Fort Ward Park adheres to the
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historical Documentation.
I appreciate the opportunity to make these comments to you, and hope that you find that they
explain OHA’s justification with proceeding with the archaeological evaluation at this time.

Thank you for your interest in the history, preservation and great understanding of Fort Ward
Park. I look forward to continuing to work with you on this effort in the months and years

Very truly yours,

J. Lance Mallamo
Director, Office of Historic Alexandria

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